
Unique Selling

Integrated solar power operated floating device that can cover the entire area of the water body with the help of a smart control sensor system (IoT). It helps in the uniform distribution of feed and maintains uniformity of dissolved oxygen level in the water along with maintaining pH level at the desired level.

Solar Powered

Clean energy source. No dependency on fossil fuel or electricity

SMART System

IoT Enabled integrated process
Track DO & pH level from anywhere on your smartphone


Achieve uniformity in feed distribution, Dissolved Oxygen level In water and pH level maintenance


Lower dependency on labour and skill-set


Financial Impact

Helps improve the harvest quality and quantity, which results in enhanced revenue.

Social Impact

  1. Women Empowerment – Our product promotes women entrepreneurs in the aquaculture sector. This is an integrated and automated device and hence our solution helps make the process easier for female farmers.
  2. Employment Generation – It would help generate employment in rural and remote areas. A person can buy some of our products and rent them out to the farmers of the nearby locality and generate revenue for herself or himself.

Environmental Impact

  1. Our product is a solar powered product and hence uses clean energy power source for the process.
  2. It helps in the uniform distribution of feed. Hence feed wastage and water pollution are avoided to a great extent.


The Journey